2151x1478 [1.1 MB] |
Lawrence classmates
Comments from Roberta Kesey Thomas: In these old days Lawernce
wore his hair parted in the middle. Can't
see him there. Had wavy hair lot of red, like Dad.

2163x1539 [1.1 MB] |
Comments from Roberta Kesey Thomas: Aunt Emma, Uncle
Joe Wenzel (2nd husband) holding possibly
one of Augusta's children. This was Emma's across the street from
Carnagie library - red brick house. Across the street was grandma
(W.E) was right across the street. A.J was next door.
So W.E put his two children right across the street from him.
Emma's 1st husband was Frank Hartman.
Comments from Charles Kelsey: Frank Hartman was a barber. He went
to WWI and came home with TB. Emma owned a resturant and hired
Joe Wentzel's mother as a cook. Later Emma divorced Frank and married

2189x1545 [1.1 MB] |
Martha Aunt
Martha Kelsey (died at age of 5) and Aunt Nellie Steis (wife of John
Steis who was sister to Helena Steis Kelsey). Roberta Kelsey
Thomas mentions that the family
often talked and grieved about Martha.

2146x1518 [1.1 MB] |
Aunt Emma Hartman (later Emma Wentzel) at her house
probably with Teenie or
Marie (Emma's 2 daughters)
Comments from Charles Kelsey: Teenie's name was Clementine. Aunt
Emma had 2 girls and 1 boy. Clementine was the youngest, William
next and Marie was the oldest.

3227x2171 [2.2 MB] |
Paul - Dad - Mother - Mary -
Catherine - Edward - Charles - Ruth
A family photo must have been taken around 1923. Roberta (b1924)
was not yet born.
Lawrence is top-right.
Ruth, b1921, would be the youngest.
Comments from Charles Kelsey: Photo taken at Grampa Henry Keitzer's
home east of Monterey. Lawrence is in the picture but not listed.

1488x2121 [1.1 MB] |
Paul Kelsey.
Comments from Charles Kelsey: Paul was born in 1905 and dies 95
years later.

2239x1628 [1.1 MB] |
Comments from Scott Thomas: Looks like Emma Kelsey Hartman
with one of her children (she had 3: Mary (Marie), William and
Clementine (Teenie)). That would likely be her 1st husband, Frank
Hartman. That appears to be their house. Marie was the oldest so
the baby may be her.
Comments from Charles Kelsey: That is Frank Hartman and Aunt Emma.

2425x1522 [2.2 MB] |
Comments from Scott Thomas: Emma's house. Possibly Emma and
Frank Hartman. Looks like the same chap as in IMG_0002c.

3205x2174 [3.3 MB] |
Donald F. - Ruth - Chas
Comments from Scott Thomas: Donald Fowble - Ruth Kelsey (later to
be Kleykamp) - Charles
Comments from Charles Kelsey: This is labeled wrong, This photo
is Edward [Kelsey], Ruth and Edward Fowble. Edward Fowble was
Donald's younger brother. He was a pilot and killed in Africa
during WW2. Front porch of John Steis' house.

1969x3031 [2.2 MB] |
Ruth - Ladyne K.
Comments from Charles Kelsey: Ruth Ann & LaDyne Kleckner.

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Mary Kelsey

1589x2594 [1.1 MB] |

2592x1506 [1.1 MB] |

2154x1527 [1.1 MB] |

2756x1744 [2.2 MB] |
Charles - Donald
Charles Kelsey & Donald Fowble

2759x1780 [2.2 MB] |
Mother -
Charles Aunt Milded - Donald
The Keitzer sisters with their boys: Augusta Kelsey Keitzer holding
Charles Kelsey & Mildred Keitzer Fowble holding Donald Fowble.

1550x2565 [1.1 MB] |
Augusta Keitzer in front of Aunt Emma's house with some
unknown baby.

1533x2550 [2.2 MB] |
Ruth Kelsey

1571x2538 [1.1 MB] |
Ruth Kelsey (later Kleykamp)

2553x1491 [1.1 MB] |
An intriguing family photo. The original photo is no sharper.

2026x3096 [2.2 MB] |
Grandpa Kelsey - Uncle Will
Mary - Lawrence - Dad
Comments from Robert Kelsey Thomas: I remember this. It was
taken in the backyard, I was about 6 years
old. I was told to run over and get Uncle Will so they can take
a picture of all the medical people.
Comments from Charles Kelsey: This is probably 1928. Mary
was in nurses training. Grampa Kelsey was killed on 1929.
Uncle Will died in August, 1933.

4257x3047 [5.5 MB] |
Comments from Roberta Kelsey Thomas:
Montery Highschool in the 20's.
Mary & Catherine Kelsey should be in pic.
Kenneth Highland's jacket is open making a 'V'. White
shirt, bow tie,
left of center.
One girl is circled - could that be Mary Kelsey? - SJT

1552x2584 [1.1 MB] |
Two nuns, possibly from St. Bernard's in chicago.

2738x1681 [2.2 MB] |

2743x1702 [2.2 MB] |

2745x1688 [2.2 MB] |
Margaret Hartman - Me -
Comments by Robert Kelsey Thomas:
These Hartman's are different Hartman's than from who Emma married into.
Agnes Hartman worked at Charlie Keitzer's bank.
There were another family of Hartman's in town and they had 9 children
or more. (Roberta Kelsey knew Agnes, Gertrude & Winfred (the
youngest of them)).
Emma Keitzer Kelsey (sister to Arthur Kelsey) married Frank Hartman.
children were Mary (Marie), William and Clemenitine (Teenie).
Comments by Charles Kelsey: Frank Hartman, Willaim Hartman and
Bert Hartman were brothers. Frank and William were Agnes'
uncles. Bert was Agnes' father.

2762x1676 [2.2 MB] |

1563x2554 [2.2 MB] |
Comments by Robert Kelsey Thomas: Possibly Claudia
Misner (2nd wife of Will Kelsey) - that is
Will's house for sure.
Comments by Charles Kelsey: Claudia Misner came from Richmond,

2732x1711 [2.2 MB] |

2755x1685 [2.2 MB] |
Comments by Robert Kelsey Thomas: Rail fence. Clearing
the land of rocks.

2729x1688 [2.2 MB] |

2700x1667 [2.2 MB] |

2756x1896 [3.3 MB] |
I - Catherine - Bob - Teenie
Comments by Robert Kelsey Thomas: Mary Kelsey (with bow),
Catherine Kelsey, Bob (unknown who Bob is),
Teenie (in dark dress). Teenie was the nickname for Clementine Hartman.
Comments by Charles Kelsey: Bob "Hartman" was son of Bill
Hartman. Bill was brother of Frank and Bert.

972x1392 [567 KB] |
Comments by Roberta Kelsey Thomas: Mary Kelsey - very
young ~
15 or 16. That hair style is
called Marcell. Her hair was naturally wavy like that.

2348x1650 [1.1 MB] |
Comments by Roberta Kelsey: Edward Kelsey, Roberta Kelsey,
Ruth Kelsey.
Aunt Nellie & Uncle Will's Kelsey's house next door. Had an
outdoor outhouse, no indoor plumbing.

2749x1765 [2.2 MB] |
Charles - Donald
Comments by Roberta Kelsey: 1st cousins: Charles Kelsey and Donald
Fowble. Born fairly close
Comments by Charles Kelsey: Donald Fowble was born 12/1914 and
Charles Kelsey born 3/1915.

2112x3620 [2.2 MB] |
Mary Kelsey.

2124x3540 [3.3 MB] |
Catherine Kelsey (later to be Catherine Kelsey Hiland)

2794x1751 [2.2 MB] |
Keitzer brothers with George Fowble (the tall one, their
future brother in law).
Wore a stiff detachable collar; they they just removed the collar
to wash it instead of the whole shirt.
1) Uncle Wilburt Keizter - far left - had curvature of the spine, was a
cripple. Was well liked, had a drug store in Hammond and married
Ellen. Aunt Ellen (as Roberta Kelsey calls her) had a gall
operation (supposed to be a simple operation) and she died during
it. This was during the war and Ruth Kelsey went to help him (Gay
Kleykamp was stationed nearby) . Had a dasughter - Rosemary - who
became a
2) Probably George Fowble - their future or new brother-in-law via
Mildred Keitzer.
3) Charlie Keitzer was born cross-eyed.
4) Robert Keitzer.

2776x1771 [2.2 MB] |
Family reunion - the Keitzer clan.
There are other copies of this photo around that are annotated, these
comments came from one of those - SJT
Top row: Uncle Joseph Wilbert Keitzer - his sister Aunt Mildred
Keitzer Fowble-
Arthur Jonas Kelsey - Campbell - Augusta Keitzer Kelsey - possibly
Fowble - Campbell - Bob Keitzer Sr. - Mabel Kleckner - Bert Kleckner.
Bottom row: Henry Keitzer sitting in chair - unknown man possibly
Widman -
unknown dark lady - Ann Kleckner holding Ladyne (Ladyne and Mary
Kelsey were friends) - Marietta Freese
Keitzer - Solomon Freese - Laura (Campbell) Freese.
On ground: Charles Kelsey lying down - Catherine Kelsey with buckled
shoes -
boy with glasses is Lowell Kleckner - little girl with legs out
straight is Mary Kelsey.
Comments by Charles Kelsey: Unknown man and women are Aunt
Laura's children. [Laura Freese married Eli Campbell. Had 3
children: Eva, Flo, Dan. -SJT] |

1754x2789 [2.2 MB] |
Grandma K (labled on
right as if referring to the lady in white)
Comments by Roberta Kelsey:
Marrieta (Freese) Keitzer is on right in white.
The woman in black is possibly Laura (Freese) Keitzer, Marrieta's
sister since they appear closely related.
Comments by Charles Kelsey: Yes, Marrieta and Laura were
sisters. Laura Campbell and husband moved to Council Bluff, Iowa,
across the MO River from Omaha.

2740x1736 [3.3 MB] |
Mary - Catherine - Bob (can't
name) - Teenie H
Same photo as above but on this one Bob's last name is
written but illegible.
Mary Kelsey - Catherine Kelsey - Bob unknown - Teenie Hartman.

1655x2721 [2.2 MB] |
Rosemary Keitzer
Daughter of Wilbert Keitzer and Ellen.
She is now Sister Joseph Ellen living in Chicago.

1836x2907 [2.2 MB] |
Mary Kesey Richter holding possibly her daughter Marylin (her
1st born).
Marylin married Gorden Denno.

1488x2759 [1.1 MB] |
Giving a baby a bath.

2702x1653 [1.1 MB] |
Wendell + (can't
read name)
This is not a house in Monterey IN.

3269x2161 [2.2 MB] |
Wilbert - Ellen - Bob - Lenore -
A picture of the Keitzer kids:
Wilbert Keitzer & his wife Ellen, Robert Keitzer Sr (called Arless
then Bob), Lenore
Bringham & Charlie.
Wilbert, Robert, Charlie are siblings. Lenore
Bringham married Charlie Keitzer. Missing
are thier sisters: Augusta & Frances (aka Mildred).
Comments by Roberta
Kelsey: This was grandma Keitzer's house (Henry and Marietta). Topsy was Henry
Keitzer's horse and knew just what houses to stop at on the milk run.

3253x2178 [2.2 MB] |
Fowble - Mildred Donald
Family picture.
George Fowble and his wife, Mildred Keizer Kelsey, and their only 2
William Donald and Edward.
Comments by Roberta Kelsey:
- Dog's name was Shep.
- The Fowble's lived in Hobert Indiana (George was a history
teacher) and
probably came to visit grandma Keitzer in that car.
- The house was the Keitzer's house (Henry and
Marietta). Shep, the dog
belonged to Henry and Marietta. The house was always kept imaculate.

4154x3046 [5.5 MB] |
Lenore graduating class.
Monterey highschool in the 20's - Roberta Kelsey.
I think the girl in the lower right is Lenore Bringham. I
have no idea who the guy is who got cut out -SJT.