From The Collection of Patti Kelsey
Email Patti Kelsey for info about these photos:
101-0197_IMG.JPG Catherine (Loretto) Cooney Kelsey 78580 bytes |
AtBarbourHall-cropped-640 87557 bytes |
Vera1964 Vera Vlcek (her parents were Josef and Jarmila Vlcek). Married John Kelsey. 35398 bytes |
monasfirstdayatcountrydayschoolreduced.jpg Mona's first day of Kindergarten.
jn17_005reduced.jpg Loretta and her 5 kids. The guys from L to R are Bill, John, and Dennis...the girls from L to R are Mary, Loretta and Mo.
moms-75th-bd-reduced.jpg Grandma's (loretta) 75th birthday party. From left to right is my mom and me, stephanie (bills daughter), andy (bill's son) Robin holding Michael (both dennis's kids), Paula (bill's) holding Julie (Maureen's), then Lisa (Bill's) holding her son,Ian. then in the front row is Tim (Mary's) holding Jeremy (Dennis's) and Loretta herself followed by Megan (Maureen's).