Page 1, Oct. 20, 1922 Finished seeding to rye at the Ranch 40 acres by disking it in without any plowing or disking previous.

Prescription on page 1 to self 1.25 Earl prescription, 1.00 paid by Lizzy 2.25

Other prescriptions this page: Jacob Dunkelberger, George Chittick, Al Huesel, Wes Hiland, Grant Burget, Vergene.

Oct. 25 Paid Glen Wilson for coal in the Post office $10.17.

Nov 1, l922 Gave my note to First National Bank for 100.00 for silage 40 tons 250 pr ton date Oct. 22, l922 A.J. Kelsey measured the silage.

Oct. 26 to Nov 5 Prescription or visits from: Grant Burket, Vergene, Mrs. Whiting, Alfa Huesel, Wes Hiland, Jacob Dunkelbarger.

Page 3 Book 28

Martha Kelsey 5 yr old daughter of AJKelsey & Augusta died about midnight Thursday the 25th of October l922 caused by pneumonia double. First the left lung then the right was sick near 5 weeks.

I am of the opinion that had she been treated early by blistering with canthanedes before the lung become so solidified about the 4 or 5th day and repeated she would have made a good recovery. There are many physicians who are opossed to blistering in cases of lung fever and do not understand or know anything about the good effects in many cases. Prejudice and lack of knowledge are the 2 chief reasons.

Many millions of people had died in the past by reason of neglect and failure to understand the good effects of canthanedes emplastrum in lung fever and many other complaints.

Pathological conditions must be taken into consideration in most cases in order to know how to treat pneumonia with good results. In all cases of pneumonary there is a paretic condition of the nerve periphery not only in the chest but sometimes general. In acute and severe cases of pneumonia and cases where there is no tendency to resolution under mild treatment there is necessity of reviving the nerve periphery by canthanedes which passes rejuvenation propectus that revitulize the nerve periphery when the plaster is put on over that part of the lungs that is involved.

The good effects of the blister is reflected to the nerve periphery of the lungs and capilaries and assest in unloading them of the coughing that is always existing in pneumonia. There is tendency to get well in all cases and a majority would recover without any treatment but they will recover much better with treatment of the right kind.

It is common to hear doctors say they do not believe in canthanedes blisters. Their saying they don't believe to use evidents of lack of knowledge and cowardice. Fear of censure.

Page 10 Book 28

Dr. Bitholez spectacles Madison & Laflin Street Station C. Chicago, Ill.

Patients and visits Nov. 6 to Nov 28 Alfa Huesel, Wes Hiland, Mrs. Whiting, J. Beck, Ambrose Keitzer.

Page 11 Book 28

Filed my bill for medical service $53.25 rendered Wes Hiland and family from June 5 to Nov. 22, l922 with Alfa Hoesel, trustee of Tippicanoe Township which he OK and said he would file it with the auditor this week Nov. 22, l922.

Nov. 23, I wrote a letter to Clarence Fry to pay his rent past due.

24th First snow in this place Monterey, Indiana this season. 25th snowed about 3 1/2 inches deep at 7 AM very calm and but little stir of the people. Temp 24th 32o, 27th 30o

Nov. 30 Finished husking corn on Ranch Nov 30 about 700. bushels on 20 acres next to Roywels land.

Dec. 1. Repaired up tile ditches at the west side west of the bridge 12 inch on north side and 10 inch on south side.

Dec 2. Sent an order to S. & Robuck for wire stretcher .95, for 10 roofing nails 11/2 inch .80, Cops rivets 1 lb .33 cops rivets .12 total 2.20. Sent check and .65 ct voucher to pay for same.

Paid Glen Wilson in full to date 32.44 for coal 20.44 for grinding rye & l lb ----4.00

Page 12 Book 28

Prescriptions and visits Mrs. Whiting, Ann Kleckner, Grant Burket, John Peters child died this evening with diptheria. Dr. from Winamac attended.

Page 13, Book 28

December mild weather up to the 11th day when it turned cold morning of this 12th 7 above zero and cold all day and fierce wind. Page all weather.

Page 14 Book 28

Dec. 14 Grant Burket to visit boy and anti-toxin prescription and 2 others, prescription to 5 of the family. The boy died this morning about 10 AM laryngred diptheria Sick 9 days. All the rest 5 of them made good recovery.

Dec. 16-20 Visits: G. Chittick, Gus Fell, Jo Johnson Earl Wagner

Page 15 Book 28

I wrote Bitholez a letter and sent him a statement of the payment of 449 for the glasses by draft dated the 18th of Nov l922. I registered this letter so I will get his receipt of the letter Dec. 19, l922. Dec. 26. Got his receipt which settles the matter.

Dec. 28, Bough of Peter Womack 10 tons of praire hay in the stack on the Kelley place in North Bend Township, Stark Co. Ind. for $8 pr ton and paid by check $50 Dec. 28, l922

Dec. 29 l922 I ordered a suit of clothes from Montgomery Ward of Chicago, and pair of overalls. 18.78 Montgomery Ward endorsed the check Jan 2, l923.

Page 16 C. W. Teeters of Monticello Agt for Swifts Fertilizer Co.

Patients: Alpha Hoesel, Wes Hiland, Gus Fell, Joseph Johnson, Jacob Beck

Page 17 Book 28

Bought of P. C. Womack of North Bend township, Stark Co. on Kelley place 2 ricks of praire hay near 25 tons estimated for $8 pr ton in the stack and paid him $150.00 one hundred and fifty dollars and took his receipt for same one check for $50 dated about the last days of Dec. l922 and one for $100.00 dated Jan 3, l923.

The hay is of good quality and put up in good shape one stack is 49 ft long, 18 ft wide at bottom. The other is 27 ft long and about 12 ft wide at the bottom I agreed to pay the ballance by March 1st if there is anything due l923.

Jan 8 I sent a letter to Montgomery Ward and Co. with the bill they sent me stating to them I had sent them and order for a suit of clothes December 29, l922 and had received nothing but a overhall 4 inches longer and 6 inches wider than the order I ask them to fix my order as represented she returned the cash I sent them suit to be as good as advertised. I sent l879.

Page 18 Book 28

Wes Hiland took the bridge out at the Ranch Jan 11, l923.

Jan 6 Snowed last night snow 6 inches deep on the level Come unexpected, no wind almost clear at 8 AM very calm..

Jan 26 Bought 10 tons and 10 lbs of baled hay for $115.00 pr ton delivered at Monterey 150.00

Jan 26 I sent the abstract of the John Kleckner place to Al Freeman abstractor this morning and registered the letter and abstract so I may know he has received it Jan 26, l923.

Page 19 All record of the weather for January l923.

Page 20 Book 28

Bought of Jo Keller 100 bushel seed oats for $38.00 paid cash $20.00 ballance due when I get the oats.

Patient visits Jacob Beck, Alfa Hoesel, Fred Bowers, Bert Hartman, Orvy Johnson, Tom Chapman.

Page 21 Book 28

Notes I put in C. Keitzer for collection

Harry Rock

Peterson note Feb 2, l922 six months after date $4875 Cr. $10.00 Aug 23, l922

Harman Uhl, Mrs. Whiting, Patients

Mrs. Mary Wemer note Aug. 19, l922 6 months after date 8 pr ct interest $52.00 Due Feb 25, l923

Wrote a letter to J. C. Fletcher stating that I wanted the 190 acre in Sec 14 abstracted. Set rest the 80 & 40 south

Page 22 Book 28

Sister Lilly Shall Hot Springs, South Dakota

Bought of Mrs. M Keller clover and timothy hay estimated at near 12 ton at 15 dollars pr ton at the barn where Ed Keller lives to be removed early in March and paid $100.00 one hundred dollars to Ed Keller who I contracted with. Jan 22, l923.

Jan 26 I bought of Reg 10 tons & 10 lbs of hay for $15.00 pr ton 150.00

Al Freeman was here today to arrange for a loan on Kleckner place 115.00 6 pr ct interest.

Jan 25 Agent for Armour Fertlizer Co. was here this day potash car load lots 43.85 pr ct acid phosphate 16 pr ct. $21.

Al Freeman did not view the land and could not show it to the man that was with him. There was snow on the ground and I trusted them they did not turn past O. Smith's

Page 25-26 Book 28

Patients: Elmer Johnson, H. Uhl, Alfa Hoesel, Wes Hiland, Samp Allen, Jacob Brucker, George Sellers, Al Ginther

Page 27. Bought Ira E. Rinehard , Ora 500 five hundred bushel of good sound corn for 68 cts pr bushel at his elevator at Ora, Ind and paid him $100.00 check on same and he gave me certificate of the purchase and for the $100.00 one hundred dollars dated the 23 of Feb l923.

Feb 23 l923 C. Parrot and the examiner, examined the Ranch for a loan of $35,000.00 3 pr ct commisson 5 pr ct interest payable semi annually. I received from J. C. Fletcher 2 abstracts of the 280 acre farm in Stark Co. that I applied for a loan though Charley Parrot of Winamac, Ind. of $35,000.00

Cost of abstract $73.75. I sent the abstract to Charley Parrot March 7, l923. Registered the same I sent to J. C. Fletcher a check for $73.75 to pay for the abstracting March 7, l923.

March 12, l923 Wind storm of cyclone character. Blowed off near 6 square of the roofs of the Reister barn and the barn on the Shenk place. I notified R. B. Walters of Ora of the damage by letter on the 13th stating that it would cost not less than 1800 to repair.

Page 28 Book 28

Peter Keller's sale March 12, l923 I bough buggy 1574 One set double harness a set single harness. 1 seed drill

Patients Frank Keitzer, H. Uhl, Frank Agnew, Charley Johnson, Mrs. Whiting, Alfa Huesel, Elmer Johnson, Dan Haschell

Page 29 Book 28

Patients: Elmer Johnson, Harman Uhl, Jo Keller, George Chittick, Mrs. H. Warmer

Apr 13, l923

Arthur moved into his new house. I am of the opinion that his success in life will not be any better than the house he moved out . No less work for his wife nor less cost to provide for the family. He will need to be more economical and less extravagant else have nothing to give his children which is the duty of every parent who is able. If they do not give they certainly feel that they have not done best provide they are possessed with human love for their offspring. I predict a failure to do and to realize what is expected.

Page 30 Book 28

All record of weather month of March l923. Page 31 continue the weather. March 12th. 44o very windy all day the greatest this winter. Blowed the rooff off of both barns about 5 squares that will cost $100 or more to replace. Reported to Ruff Walters at Ora, Ind. the 13th over phone and also write him.

Page 32 Book 28

March 10, l923 I sent for a suit of clothes. No 45L7061 Fine tailored hand, all wool Cost 24.85 Partial post 10 24.95. Size chest 36, waist 35, arm 31, leg 291/2. vest 36, waist 35.

March 27 Borrowed $563.00 of the Bank Monterey, Ind. to pay my interest on the Reister place and the 80 acres on the Shenk place.

I visited John French on yesterday in regard to the note past due near $80.00. He said he did not intend to pay it for it had been paid long since. But said that the doctor bill he had not paid. I told him that Will & I had seen him in the field where he was husking corn 6 or 8 years and there settled with him and he agreed to pay as soon as he could. He claimed nothing. His talk yesterday was all bluff and bunk. DISHONEST.

Page 33 Book 28

Record of the weather for the days of March 1923 March 19th 6o storming snow 4 inches deep commenced to get cold at 3PM ---and snow began to fall by 9 PM last night. The cold is great for this time of the year. Snow from the west steady wind making the snow slanting. Have on stock feed with most of people for stock is very scarce. At 8 o'clock AM the storm ceased and the sun began to shine.

March 31 10o above, cloudy and calm snowed last night about 2 inches without any wind. looks winter like last March l922. 38o above and cloudy and calm, fruit buds slow coming on, grass and grain growing l922 20o at sunset.

Page 34 Book 28

All record of the weather for April l923.

Page 35 Book 28

John Hannon to l960 lbs of hay at $18 pr ton l7.55. Bought of him 4 tons of acid phosphate at 23 pr ton =$92 Deduct 17.55 Ballance due $74.45. Settled in full.

April 9, l923 I filled out affidavit sent me by C. Parrot in the matter of loan on the 260 acres of land in Stark Co., Ind. for $3500 Mailed the same to Parrot Apr. 9, l923

Apr. 13 Glen Wilson's carr arrived of potash 51 pr ct German bough tons for -- pr ton. I paid $135.00 for 3 tons at $45.00 with the agreement to rebate and sell for same as J. Hannon sells. I purchase of Hannon for $43 pr ton 50pr ct There will be due me $5.00 rebate.

Apr. 17 Bought of Harry Rock 3 bushel of seed corn one dollar pr bushel. 204 lbs paid on same $125 Bal due 175

Page 36 Book 28

I visited Charley Stoudess of Andrews to see Sarah Ann Miller who has a sch---of in the right eye for 10 years. Found her seriously ailing and weak. She is 81 years old and failing not very rapid considering her affliction. Frank Henesifor took Mame Sennett and myself over made the trip 3 hours each way.

Patients listed on this page John Casper, Alfa Huelsel, Ann Kleckner, Harman Uhl, Mrs. Whiting.

Page 37 Book 28

Apr 30 l92 I wrote a letter to C. Parrot in regard to loan stating I make like a settlement by Thursday next in order to get money to pay tax which is about $400.00

May 2 Paid my tax in P.C. 190.00, Stark Co. I sent 130.00, Paid Hannon fertilizer 135.00,

P. C. Womacks Bal on hay 57.35 Total $512.35

May 3, l923 Paid Zechel Bros for Roan bull $65.00 instead of $85. I bid on day of sale which I give my note for which was put in Culver Bank. Zechel agrees to et the note and send it to me for the $65.0 I pay him. The rebate was due to the guarantee by Zechel that the bull was registered and a sure breeder. Neither which prove correct

On the 8 day of May I sent a check issued from the Hartford Insurance Co. Hartford Connecticut for their indorsement. May 8, l923 Ruffes Walter Ora, Ind.

Page 38 Book 28

May 15, l923 Holstein cow drove from W. Hilands served by Zelchel bull due to calve Feb. 15.

On Thursday the 19th of May it turned cold in the afternoon and a great dust storm lasting one hour or more. Rained in the evening and part of the night. Friday morning the snow was 3 or 4 inches deep and very wet. The snow continued to fall for 2 or 3 hours, blizard like. Friday night was cold down to 30o above zero. No harm to the fruit. Some oats and young clover was froze. No storm during the winter was greater while it lasted. Saturday cool all day. Sunday cool but much improved over Friday and Saturday.

May 14 Casper sowed fertilizer 150 lb pr acre potash & acid phosfate for corn season of l923.

Check of $35.00 in the bank commission and some other charges taking out leaves commission and some other expense over 34.00 about 18.03 I owe bank would leave me about $----

Apr. 21 Paid C. Parrot 127.50 Commission and other charges for loan on land in Stark Co., Ind. He stated that all expense was paid and satisfactory.

Page 39 Book 28

I have barrowed from the bank at Monterey 4 times since the 1st of January l923 the first time 500.00, 2nd. 563.00, 3rd. 500.00, 4th. 240.00. Total 1803.00 I expect to pay all of it when I receive the loan of $3500.00.

I owe the following amounts to the named parties here: Fred Reneholt for oats 170.00, N Sp--- about 165.00, Keller note of 20.00, Glen Wilson 43.00 $438.00 I don't know of anymore debts. I need to go slower and more saving and produce more on the lands and not make so much expense in business of any kind.

May 4 Rented to J. S. Keller field on Reister Place for corn. He to give me 2/5th for my share and he to have the priviledge of pasturing stock 2 weeks after husked and to pay 1/2 of the fertilizer to put on the whole 20 acres and to find the fertilizer drill.

Page 40 Book 28

Patients: Mrs. Whiting, Alfa Hoesel, John Decker, Harman Uhl, Webb,

Page 41 Book 28

Planted 20 acres of corn on the Ranch the 22 & 23 of May. J. Casper. May 24 & 25 l923 planted about 22 acres to corn Pride of the North fertilized same with 200 lbs innocate (?) of potash to 700 lbs acid phosfate and 5 lbs of sand plants (?) to each 10 acres the 26 next day after planting. We had a fine rain last night and this forenoon needed to make corn come up and the crops in general much benefited. I now have 22 acres of corn planted of my own 22 acres by Jo Keller and about 22 acres by Caspers. Caspers fertilized theirs with 75 lbs of potash to 25 lbs acid phosfate puting on about 150 lbs pr acre more potash would have given better results, but it is an experiment to some extent.

I mixed fertilizer this evening 200 lbs potash 700 lbs gypsum 800 lbs acid phosfate. I intend to put on about 150 lbs pr acre and notice the effects on the crop of corn. Finished plowing the field south of the school house June 3rd. I harrowed it twice and sowed fertilizer 150 lbs pr acre 20 pr ct potash 40 acid phosfate gypsum 40 I applied on 3 rounds on the out side of the field twice 150 lbs to see the effects.

Commenced to plant the ground at noon with the corn I got of Stephenson White Corn. The ground is getting very dry but I had it plowed about 7 inches deep which will hold the moisture than if plowed shallow. The first 2 acres on the west side I believe is not bough corn planted. The planter did not work right. I intend to seed the field to wheat the last of September one bushel of wheat pr acre and seed the same to mamoth clover the spring of l924. I may sow acid phosfate in the spring to help get a stand of clover and make more wheat. August 9, l923 Plowed it the last time with the big wing shovel plow Corn looks fine and is now shooting. The weather is fine for corn. I see the good effects of the fertilizer all ready.

Page 43 Book 28

I planted on the 7th of June the ground back of J. Marbaugh to potatos about 4 bushels most of them Rural New York. I fertilized with potash and phosphose acid about 100 lbs on the patch about 50 rods.

Planted corn on the Reister place June 8 & 9 about 15 acres on the west Pride of the North and on the east side in the middle I planted the white corn I got of C. Stephenson. I double disked the ground and then drilled the corn. I fertilized about 150 lbs pr acre with 20 pr ct potash 40 acid phosfate and sand plas--40 pr ct. I sowed a strip on the west side about 4 rods wide twice with the fertilize.

June 16 Planted potatoes on Reister place in old garden. New moon. Don't know whether it will make any difference in the field or not by reason of new moon.

Sprayed all of my plum and apple trees with asenate of lead and paies green. June 13 & 14.

Page 44 Cultivated my corn over with weeder 2 of the fields each 3 times and the field south of school house and north and south. All of these acres I fertillized with about 150 lbs pr acre 40 pr ct gypsum, 40 acid phosfate and 20 pr ct potash June 16, l923.

I have cultivated the west piece over 3 times with weeder once with riding cultivator and once with one horse cultivate and it needs one or 2 more. Looks fine this date July 1, l923. Cultivated field south of the barn twice with the weeder and once with the riding cultivator and started in to cultivate one more with the riding cultivator anad will need one or 2 more surface cultivating to get best results, July 1, l923. I don't know whether I will get time to do what is needed or not, 2 times since with the wing plow the last time Aug 8, 9, & 10, Looks fine.

Page 45 Book 28

The cold night the 22nd of June l918 Freeze my corn that was laid by the wave was near 60 miles wide and extended down to Union Co. west of Cincinnati, Ohio.

June 25, l922 cold night dropped from 90 to 56.

June 21, l923 Filed my claim for medical service rendered Wesly Hiland family from Nov. l922 to June 21, l923 $78.50. Sent by mail to the auditor of P. County.

July W. E. Kelsey sowed about one acre south of the school to alfalfa clover seed no good

on Oct 9 grass. The ground is in fine condition as to moisture.

W. E. Kelsey's big holstein cow that he paid $170.00 for had a calf the 30th of June l923 very small Bull. The Spooner heifer will have a calf in a few days. Bred to the Zecher bull the 20th of October l923.

l923 Paid Fred Reneholt note for oats $174.95 left it at the bank at Monterey for him.

Page 46 Book 28

Hay bought of --------Keller: Hannon 18, W.E. Kelsey 17, C. Baker 18.00, myself 4 loads. 86.00 = 1390 Paid cash on this at the time I purchased it at $115.00 pr ton $100.00

Contents of a letter I sent to Sears & Roebuck Am enclosing expense bill for the rooffing. You will note there is an extra charge of $3.30 which should be paid. You will please send me check for the above amount. Mailed July 8th, Yours truly, Dr. WmKelsey Monterey July 3, l923

Page 47 Book 28

Spooner cow calved July 4, l923 male brought her home July 20th l923

Patients: John Decker, Charley Davison, Mrs. Chappan, Charley Stodard Andrews, Ind., Harman Uhl, Dobin Wright. Charley Baker died the 26, July l923 reported to be on account of indigestion. I am of the opinion that he kied from heart disease.

Page 48 Book 28 Had a good rain the 27th of July much needed to make a good crop of corn in this locality. My corn and W. E. K's looks fine at this time. I have 35 acres crib on the Shenk place and W.E. has 30 acres all well cultivated. I have 45 acres of rye cut for hay most all of it in cock and 15 acres of oats that is fine and ready to cock up. There is now about 200 in shock at this date July 26, l923.

Gus Fell has about 15 acres cut for oats hay most all in shock. I am to get one half in the stack on the farm. W.E. Kelsey has 30 acres of fine oats he cut for hay on the Shenk place most of it is in stock. July 26, l923.

Page 49 Book 28

Put a new roof on the Meredith house on Lot No 3 Barbershop Oriental Sea green Cost $2.25 30 rolls. 67.50 Freight 8.40 $77.90.

Plowed about 3 acres on the south end of the 10 acres I seeded to alfalfa the 24 of July 1923 and harrowed it over twice and then sowed about 200 lbs of acid phosphate gypsum and potash proportioned as follows 40 lbs acid phos 40 gypsum and 20 potash. I plowd the ground about 5 inches deep. Seed to alfalfa 6 lbs pr acre Aug 9th l923 after harrowing it then sowed the seed and harrowed it in after sowing it. The ground is in fine condition moist and mellow. W.E. Kelsey seeded his alfalfa west of his orchard Aug 9, l923 after double disking and spray both harrowing it. I don't know how the seeding will pann out.

Page 50 Book 28

I plowed the field south of the school house 12 acres with the wing shovel plow both ways. First north and south August 2 & 3rd and the last time August 8, 9, & 10th. I am of the opinion that the cultivation will be of much benefit. I intent to use the one horse cultivator to level it, the latter part of August or some time prior to the 20th of September provide the storms does not blow it down and seed the land to wheat the latter part of Sept. l923 about 1 1/4 bushel pr acre possibly both ways and in the spring sow about 200 lbs acid phosphate pr acre and sow mamoth clover seed about 1 bushel to 12 acres.

Page 52 Book 28

August 14, l923. I am 88 years old this day. I was born in Perry County Ohio August 14, l835. I am in a good state of health no ailing of any kind existing. Mentally I am as good as I was 40 years ago. Physically I am not near so good. Better however than 99 out of every 100 men.

I notice that I am ageing more in the past year than any year in the past 20 years. I am able to work better than 75 out of every 100 men. I do more work now every day than the majority of men at any age. My memory is very good considering my age, better now than most of men at the age of 60 years. My health in the past 6 months is better than it has been for 10 years or more. I have no fear of dying for several years. I don't know how long I will live. But as long as I am needful and able to work and encourage others to work. I want to live and 40 longer.

Page 56 Book 28

Aug. 27 Wes Hiland disked 6 acres of the 10 acres of alfalfa field both ways as deep as the disk could be set to run as to depth. On the 28th we harrowed it over first east & west then sowed about 31/2 lbs of seed each way then harrowed it in both ways. Then raked it over with the hay rack to level it and to gather any sods or any thing that should be curied of. We got some weed on the teeth of the rack so it would brush the ground and fill all the horse tracks and in some degree low places.

Page 57 Book 28 I went to the farmers meeting near Medaryville on the 27th of August l923. I visited the farm owned by ----- who had about 25 acres in soy beans 7 varieties. The soy beans were fine each of the varieties were fine. The machinery was the best for susliner and hay full of pods almost matured. Planted about the 10th of June 2 rows of them next to the fence. Next was the --- --- not so long but very full of beans almost matured. Next to the mancheria 4 rows both of these are worth planting. Next 4 rows of drenfeld much like the manchuria not so early good kind to grow to plow ---- or for hay. The first 3 kinds were about the same as corn. The man said he plowed them twice. They were clean and free from weeds. He said all of the peas were inoculated with one gallon of dirt from where soy beans were grown previous year used no fertilizer of any kind. The Purdue man said that acid phosfate was no good unless it was diluted so they would not burn the vines. He said to prepare the ground and sow the phosfate any harrow it in well before planting the beans was all right. I am of the opinion that I ought to grow 30 or 40 acres for the purpose of enriching the land.

This same man had about 7 acres of alfalfa that he sowed the 23 day of August l922. Fine stand he said he sowed about 12 lbs on each acre and put on 400 lbs of acid phosfate to each acre. Cut it 3 times this year now about 4 inches high looking fine. The land was sandy land not very rich originally. Good deal like the Kleckner land on the ---south of the Benedict farm. The country is certainly fine and not more than 1/2 developed. I think better than the land in Tippicanoe Township. W. E. & I attended the farmers meeting and greatly benefited by learning something that will enable us to do much better than we have in the past. I see -----at his office and went to see his mother and sister. They were all greatly pleased to meet us.

Page 59 Book 28 Commenced to plow Sept 16, l923 about 7 acres for wheat where I had alfalfa in the field south of the barn on the Shenk place. Plowed the ground about 6 inches deep, racked it over north and south, then diagonal. Then applied 200 lbs of fertilizer pr acre composed of 100 lbs acid phosfate 75 lbs gypsum and 25 of potash. This fertilizer I put on after the first disking. Then sowed it. The disk drill 11/4 bushed wheat pr acre on the 21 & 22 of Sept. l923. The seed bed is fine. The moisture good. I expect not less than 25 bushel pr acre in l924 provide the season is good or no injury from any cause. The cost of seeding this piece is $10., for labor $11 for seed, fertilizer $28., making it all about $480.00, $5.50 pr acre. Machinery & horse I count nothing as I have to keep them on hand.

Drilled 11/4 bushel pr acre and finished same Sept. 22, l922. Commenced to drill the corn north adjoining 11/4 bush pr acre finished it Sept 29, l923. Commenced to drill in the corn west 10 acres Sept 29, l923 finished it Oct l923 Finished it Oct 1, l923.

Page 63 Book 28 J. S. Keller says that he was to have the privilege of pasturing his stock up the holidays Nov. 29. See original agreement page 39.

Paid my tax in Pulaski Co. Land & lot at Winamac 16.00 Land & lots in Tippicanoe Township $19l.56 Stark County $150.00 about $15.00 delinquent paid this fall up to Oct. 30, l923 $372.00 The Kansas land I don't know how much it will be this fall.

Page 64 Book 28 Tax in l923 fall installment Tippicanoe & Monterey last installment $191.57, Tax Monroe 16.00 Tax in Stark Co. 152.00 Tax in Kansas 99.00

A. J. Kelsey and I attended the St. Joseph County Medical meeting Nov 21, l923 at South Bend splendid meeting. Professors from Chicago Rush Medical College read papers and reported cases that was of great interest. Professor Bevans Ormsby Bevans subject was stomach ulceration slinoser and cancers. Ormsby was on skin diseases.

Page 68 Book 28 Sold to Barnhard 15 head of horses out of a herd of 50 for $40 pr head and received a check for $75.00 part pay on same. I am to round them up in the barn yard where said Barnhart can select the 15 head on or before the 11th day of January l924 and pay me 525.00 cash ballance on the 15 head.

Page 69 Book 28

I sold 15 head of horses to C. E. Barnhart, Hull and Emerson, SouthWhitley, and one sucking colt for 630.00 Paid me for feed & help 630.00 +14.90= $644.90. Not guaranteeing anything as to age or condition as to defects and have received a check for 5.60 this day and $75. 3 or4 days ago. $5 of this is to pay some men for them to lead 2 of the horses from Wes Hiland's place of livery to Burrouk Marshall Co, Ind the 3rd day of Jan l924. I am not to be responsible for safe delivery only agent to pay the $4 dollar to the party that leads the horses to Burrouk on the 3rd of Jan l923. Horse Buyers: C. Barnhart Hull & Emerson, South Whitley, Ind. Jan 5, l924 Shipped 15 horses and one colt from Monterey, Ind.

Page 70 Book 28 Horse buyers: George Furas Macy, Ind. Charles Barnhart South Whitley, Ind, Jack Maris Akron, Ind.

Patients: N. Harris, Mrs. Whiting, Alfa Hoesel, Plake Slonaker, Jo Romie, George Exaver.

Page 71 Book 28 Wrote a letter and sent to Leroy Garman Kewanna and one to Alva Mitchel, Winamac inquiring about soy beans. Jan 8, l924 January 11, l924 Contacted with Alva Mitchel for 10 bushels of soy beans for $2. pr bushel. I to get them at his home. Feb.1, Delivered 15 bushel in good condition and I paid him $30.00 for same Holly Brook variety.

Page 72- 73 All weather for the months of Jan. Feb. l924

Page 75 Book 28 I wrote a letter to the National adjusting association informing them I had in claim against Clark Widmen I also sent the address of Bert Whedsell and amount, Also John Chenney, Walt Exton $30.00 Feb 7, l924 I wrote Jesse Guise a letter stating his note was long past due with a credit of $4.50 Sept l916 asking him to settle the same soon as I settling with all and that I had placed accounts and notes in the hands of a collecting association. Feb 7, l924.

Paid S. Agnew in full to date 8.10. I received tax certificate from E. J. Kelsey Kansas lands, $99. Sent deed to get recorded and $2. check to pay for same Town lots & 40 acre lot at Winamac. Ordered from Isabell Seed Co. Jackson, Michigan one bushel Median Red Clover Seed $15.25. One bushel Mamoth 15.75 1/2 bushel white Small clover---- 4.88 Feb. 13, l924 $35.88 shipped by freight.

Page 83 Sela Brucker to visit self 2.00 The nature of his case is such if treated right he will get up again. His liver is tender and not functioning right. His stomach and mucus membrane of the bowels are not normal. His mental condition is below par much benefit in his case will be gained by driving fear away and making him hopeful that he will recover.

Page 84 Book 28 March 30, 26o Snowed last night and this morning still snowing. Winter like cold breeze ground not yet thawed out nothing spring like yet. Buds not developing, No green in the fields, but everything is ready for growth when the weather gets warm. The wheat and alfalfa seems to be unhurt so far stock generally looks good, feed is scarce especially hay, straw & fodder. March 31 20o almost clear calm ground covered with snow, winter like. Birds not singing this morning all very quiet . The temperature about the same in l922 & l923. April 1 26o above snowed last night 3 inches deep this morning, breezy comes up in gust, blizzard like, good deal like real winter. Apr 1st l923 20o above 3 cloudy & calm Apr1, l922 29o above clear & calm. April 2nd. Clear & calm.

Page 87 Book 28 Ann Kleckner account March 8 1924 to date $95.50 March 9 Cr. fifty dollars Bal due $40.00.

Apr. 7 Diske both ways the field south of the school house, Monday, Tue. & Wednesday. 7, 8, 9, and sowed mamoth clover seed the afternoon of the 10th of Aprile l924 and forenoon of the 11th. Left the ground ruff just as it was diske. Sowed about 1 bushel to 10 acres. I don't know how the stand will be. I am of the opinion that if the seed is good and no freezing this spring success will result. Finished sowing at noon the 11th. Sowed about 1 bushel mamoth seed got from Isabell Seed Co. Jackson, Michigan. Halled manure from hay pen in the afternoon and put it on W.E.K's apple trees on east side of grapes. Apr. 11

Wrote a letter to Dickerson and Reed Indianapolis telling them I did not owe $108.00 due Apr 1, l924 after I paid $555.00 interest demanded March Nov 10 or 11 l924. I sent the draft for same. They are mix up in the case.

Page 88 Book 28 Wrote Apr 14, l924 tax $410.25 spring installment.

Agent of the Standard Oil Co. Huntington, Ind.

Plowed ditch bank on the north side of dredge ditch and burnt the weeds on the 18 acres next to Rowels.

Apr 16, Paid to Charley Keitzer spring installment, Tippicanoe Township l924 $240.25.

Paid tax Stark Co. spring installment 165.00

Ordered from Montgomery Ward: 1pair suspenders .44, 3 pair canvas gloves .69, 2 canvas --- 21& 22, $2.00, 1 pair rubber overshoes 1.98, l yd black bind--- .10, roofing nails 5 lbs. .40, =$5.46 Postage .25

Page 89 May 25, l924 The Lawton cow and the Spooner cow due to calve.

Apr 24 Sold to Webb 20 bush oats for $11.00 Paid 11.00 He took out about 1200 lbs fertilizer to put on oats.

Apr 23 Wes Hiland drilled oats in 25 acres north of the dredge ditch where J. Rosper ran corn l923, about 2 bushel seed pr acre.

April 26 Seeded to mamoth clover seed wheat where I had alfalfa south of the corn. Also sowed sweet blossom clover seed south of the plum orchard. I harrowed the wheat well before sowing seed. Seeded the orchard next to the RR to alfalfa Apr 26, l924.

Nellie Kelsey come home last night the 25 of Aprile.

Page 90 Book 28

Sent my claim of $126.25 for Michael service rendered Wester Hilands Family to J. C. Howe auditor of Pulaski Co. Ind.

Sent to the treasurer of P.C. Check $16.00 to pay first installment on 40 acres in Sec 8 Monroe Tp. and Lot No 19 in Winamac, Ind.

May 2, l924 Wrote a letter to C. A. Schurs Huntington, Ind. Bipus Block In regard to the fire at Monterey not less than 4 acres burned over near 2 years since damage $30.00 not less than 3 years recent burned over damage to pasture 20.00 15 to the timber destroyed making in all $65.00 (Not clear)

Page 91 Book 28 Patients Alfa Hoesel, Harman Uhl, C. Keitzer, John Decker, Lizie Whiteside, (All either $1.50 or $2.50)

May 15 Wrote a letter to J. C. Howe auditor of P.C. asking for check for recent claimed filed.

Page 92 Book 28 Disked over about 40 acres on the Reister place for soy beans and cowpeas. 20 on the north side and 25 on the south side of road. Ground is in fine condition. Lon Hiland plowed about 6 acres east & south of the orchard on Reister place.

May 15, l924 I left my bank book with C. Keitzer for checking up. Fowling up on check book since May 12, l923 5080.91 $1707.41 I added to the $3373.50 making the $5080.91.

May 15 I had the Weber note $100.00 placed to my credit so I now have account near $9000 I left Mrs. ---- note for collection with C. Keitzer. May 16 Ann Kleckner cash 40.00 This all that is due up to this date. Received a check from J. C. Howe for Med Service 126.50

Page 93 Book 28 May 1st. l924 Planted 5 rows of Irish Cobler on the east of lot back of Marbaugh's next to some sweet corn. Then 5 rows of early rose potatoes. Fertilized them on the 10th of May.

Sent draft to Dickerson & Reed Indianapolis, Ind. 8.00 they claimed to be due Apr 1st l924.

Sent a letter to the National Adjust association, Chicago, Ill. I am of the opinion, no good.

Sent interest to the Farmers Trust Co. 87.50 due May 18, l924

Page 94 Book 28 Commenced to prepare about 30 acres for corn on the Ranch where I raised rye last year l923. Double disked it then harrowed it and made ready for planting the afternoon of the 21st of May l924. Checking it and droping 2 to 3 grs in the hill. I fertilized the whole with potash and acid phosfate about 150 lbs pr acre. On the west, I put on near 200 lbs. The weather is unusualy cold and not good for germination of the seed. But it may come all right. Frost the night of the 20 and 21st. froze a little on the 21st. Plowed about 10 acres on the west end and disked it well and harrowed it well then fertilized it better than the east part. Planted the whole field about 30 acres the first of June. Then commenced to plow about 10 acres on the south end of strip next to Rowes that Webb could not handle on Friday commenced to plow about 6 inches deep.

Harrowed it well then fertilized it with near 200 lbs of fertilizer 2 parts of potash and one of phosphatorus acid and gypsum. Then harrowed it again and planted and then harrowed it again. Finished planting it June 7, l924 weather cold. No good for quick coming up of corn. Good for oats, wheat, & grass.

Page 96 Book 28 Commenced to seed ground south of the orchard on Reister place the 5th of June l924 with soy beans about 1 bushel pr acre drilling then with the disked drill same as wheat after they were drilled in harrowed the same way. Finished the 20 acres June 7, l924. Ground in fine condition. The same acres was fertilized with acid phosphate the season of l923 and planted to corn about the 15 of June, was not cultivated but little, and did not amount to much. The fertilizer is yet in the ground to be of benefit to the soy beans l924.

Commenced to plow a strip east of the 20 acres about 5 inches deep for soybeans and cowpeas at noon the 7th. Lon Hiland plowed with the riding plow. Rained last night considerable making the ground moist so beans and corn will come up if the weather is warm enough. Sowed fertilizer on 8 acres east of orchard on Reister place about 150 lb pr acre. Planted the Steven white corn June 10th, l924. Ground in fine condition to cultivate making a good seed bed.

June 11 Planted the field east of the orchard & south to corn, the white variety, I got of Stephenson. Fertilized the whole with potash acid phosphate about 200 lbs pr acre. Looks good now. But we will know best on looks whether good or not.

Page 97 Book 28 Commenced to disk the field west of the Reister barn June 11, l924 for don't know what I will plant until I get a good seed bed made.

June 23 Drilled soy beans south of the orchard field after I broke up on the east side about 12 acres. The ballance of the field west of the east side I drilled soy beans the 8 & 9th of June. Drilled about one bushel pr acre.

On the 12th I planted the 8 to 10 acres to corn while I got seed of C. Stephenson. June 12 & 13 planted the garden south of the house on Reister place to potatoes. I got of Harry Leopold look like late rose. I also planted 2 rows of sweet corn west of the orchard.

Page 98 Boss, the holstein cow had a calf June 8, l924. Butter fat, Spooner jersey had a calf the 10th of June. Tufey, cow had a calf June 12, l924, all heifers from W.E. Kelsey's holstein bull. Ought to raise for cows from the fact they are extra well bred.

June 20 Paid $104.50 Rowel note. There is yet $50.00 unpaid that I am under no obligation to pay from the fact the stock pasture I bid off at the sale in December was never delivered over to me to pasture according to contract with Stephenson and Rowel. The damage was not less than $3 pr day for 45 days. I do not have an oportunity to turn until the 14th day of February l924.

Page 99 Book 28 I replanted the corn on the Ranch the 16, 17, 18, 19,& 20 of June. I first harrowed well then drilled about 1 grain every 10 inches close along side of each row. Then used the weeder running in oposite from planting. There is not more than 1/3rd of a stand from first planting. I finished with the weeder going over east and west Sat. 21, l924.

June 20 Replanted the south 8 acres next to Rowels after I harrowed on the 19. There is about a 1/2 stand first planting. Cultivated it July 5-7.

Page 100 Book 28 Received dispatch June 17, l924 for me to take charge of the milk p--- $3 pr day agreement pipe line maker. North Judson.

June 17, l924 first day at $3 pr day 18,19,20,21,22,23,24

On the 16th of June l924 I was notified that I should care for 3 cows that my wife milked on account of the oil in the pasture where they pasture would do damage. That I should receive $3 pr day for caring for them. On the 17th of June I took charge of them up to the evening of the 19th of July l924, 22 days amounting to $66.00. The damage to the pasture is not less than $75.00 from the fact it will regain not less than 2 years to make it as good as it was if possible at all. I will need to make a fence to fence off that part of the pasture destroyed that will cost $35 not less.

Page 101 Book 28 Medical meeting Fag--- Hotel Bass Lake, June 24, l924

Patients listed this page: Harman Uhl, Dr. H. Lowe, Alfa Hoesel, Mrs Cappel

Frank Hartman & Emma started for Denver, Colorado this morning the 20th of July l924.

Wrote a letter to E. J. Kelsey, 7 sheets.

Page 102 Book 28 July 26, l924 Ambrose Keitzer cr by cash to apply on Dr. bill given to Laney for me 20.00 Other patients this page: Sam Agnew, Sela Brucker, Alfa Hoesel.

Paid Wes Hiland $16.50 2.00 for potatoes leaving a ballance of $13.50 check for Marie 1.00 and 50cts extra for Laney. This settles for the potatoes up to date.

Page 103 Book 28 July 31, l924 Thrashed my wheat this day. No (#) bushels 3 sold for 120 pr bushel amounting to --------(left blank) paid my bill in full to the Farmers Elevator Co. in full.

The following men helped me thrash July 31, l924.

Samp Allen team, Chas Reneholt team, Slaterly team, My own 2 teams, W. E.Kelsey's team, Andrew Smith team, Anas, Bert Slonaker, 2 boys I paid 70 cts to, 35cts each.

July 31, Dinner at Dowes for all the thrashers. There is 40 bushels of seed wheat in the Meredith building, 20 bushels is W.E. Kelsey's. All of it out of the field next to Russel's WEK's field. I need to pay him for 20 bushel at 1.20 pr bushel amounting to $24.00 and when paid I will make a record of same July 31, l924.

Page 104 Book 28 Patients Wes Hiland, Mrs Whiting, Ira Ketchner, Harman Uhl, Sam Agnew.

Aug. 25, l924 From Sears & Roebuck I ordered 15 rolls of Oriental roofing 2.15 pr roll and 10 cts extra for long nails each roll making $34.25 I ordered it shipped from Chicago.

Page 105 Book 28 August 26, l924 I ordered from Montgomery Ward 1 watch 1.05, pair gloves .69 , 3 pr shoe strings parcel post.10 cts. 2.06 to pay for same.

Sept. 9 Spooner cow jersey served by holstein bull Sept 9, l924 due to calve June 9, l925.

Sept. 10 Frost 36 above zero at 6 AM On the 9th had frost not so much as this on the 10th. Corn is not near ripe 3 weeks or more needed to mature.

Page 106 Book 28

I was over to the Ranch this day and found most all the corn ruined by the frost on the night of the 9th of this month. There is about 60 acre of corn that would have made 50 bushels pr acre. 40 of it my own, 20 of it Weber had out . All of mine damaged so it will not make 1/2 yield and poor in quality. The damage to the corn is not less than 15.00 dollars. The oats crop is neglected by Webb so there will be a damage of $200.00 or more. My own oats I could not save to thrash else I would have had 1000 bushel worth 40 cts pr bushel. The loss on the crop at the Ranch this season of l924 is not less than 2000.00. I am of the opinion that the corn should be planted not later than the 20th of May to avoid frost in the fall.

Page 107 Book 28 I ordered yellow jack for the following parties: Sam Agnew, Frank Falstitch, Plake Slonaker, A. Wolfrum, R. Wolfrum, Henry Reneholt, Dan Haschell, Wm Peters, J. Wagner.

Fred Reneholt 20 acres 25 cts pr acre.

Henry A. Reneholt 20 acres to use of lime sower 24 acres 25 cts pr acre.

Fred Reneholt to use of 20 acres lime sower.

S.C. Allen to use of lime sower

L. Boyles to use of lime sower 12 acres. 3.00

Al Faulstitch to use of lime sower. 2.50

Henry Reneholt use of wheat drill on Kleckner place about 24 acres 25 cts pr acre.

Note: all these parties Nov. 18, 19, 24.

Page 108 Book 28 Sept 23, l923 I ordered 10 rolls of Oriental roofing from Sears & Roebuck 85 to 90 lbs to the roll price 2.15 pr roll. Sent check to pay for same and ordered it shipped from Chicago to save freight. $21.50

Medical meeting at Medaryville Sept 30, l924. A. J. Kelsey read a paper on skin disease very good paper, and passed by the society. Dr. Washburn of Rensselaer read a paper on surgery that was excellent. He is a bright man and seemingly no blow. Dr. S. Thompson was there and his partner Mantchen. Dr. Shaver of Francesville , Dr. Ives and several others. Lunch was served after the society adjourned by Dr. Linton, the president of the society at the restaurant. Sandwiches and coffee, all right. Very good meeting.

Page 109 Book 28 I ordered from Sears & Roebuck 1 pump, Bray line pitch 3 -- nails etc. etc. Rivets.

Nov. 15. Wrote a letter to A. Freeman for loan of 2 thousand dollars.

Wrote the National adjusting Co. explaining things in general. I wrote them they had not collected one dollar for me yet although more than one year since I placed in their hands claims for collection.

Page 110 Book 28 Nov. 7, Built racks to feed hay in river bottom, Reister place, and lower barn that will hold 8 tons of hay or straw.

Patients: A. Huesel, Sam Agnew, H. Uhl, Mrs. Schall

Page 111 Book 28 Sennet cow had twin calves dead and both black WE K's bull.

Nov. 4, l924 election. Great Republican victory. The greatest in the history of the Republican party. A victory for all people throughout the United States of America. Without a great victory we would be in a chaotic condition. Stagnation in business and danger of a great panic. Many thousands of people would have lost their homes and several millions of laboring people idle all over the land. Soup houses would be needed as was the case in l893 when the Democratic party had full control of the government. The whole Nation has great reason to be thankfull for the results of recent election Nov.4, l924. Tuff on the leaders of the Democratic party and the office seekers to have a vertict of. the people saying that you are unworthy of control of the government that you have vilified the victorious party and not told the truth and deserve defeat disgrace and punishment for slinging mud and vilifing the oposite party and for not telling the truth. The good lord moves in a misterious way and wonderous results follows. (as written)

Page 112 Book 28 Tulip jersey March 5, Brucker cow March 5 due to calve Dec. 5

Nov. 4, l924 Great Republican victory. Land slide just what was need to ward off stagnation in business and make the feel safe and hopefull for increased prosperity. Had the oposite parties accomplished what they worked hard to do stagnation and panick would surely follow several people would be out of employment and several hundred thousand people would lost their homes by reason of the Democratick and ---- parties having no policy suited to the wants of the people of the United States of America. We have great reason to be thankfull that we are not in so much danger as we would be have the Republican's not been victors. This is the best trimming that the Democratic party has had since they tried to elect Horace Greely. The cry then by the Democrats any thing to beat Grant.

Page 113. Book 28 Harman Uhl died Nov. 22, 9PM l924 Inantion old age

Dec. 1. I received the goods I ordered from Montgomery Wards except the overshoes. They were not what I ordered and I returned them and ordered others and 1 pair of trousers the cost of 1 trouser 90 cts. Did not fill the order.

Page 114 Book 28 Bert Slonaker butchered 2 hogs one weighed 370 the other 125. 495 lbs. $495.

I footed up my account against Harman Uhl for medical service rendered him from Sept. 6, l919 to date $154.00

Dec. 9, l924 I left my account with Chas. Keitzer for settlement of the above account.

Dec. 9, l924 I wrote Montgomery Wards. Chicago, Ill. Dec. 9, l924 in regard to my order of Nov. 23, l924 telling them that I returned the overshoes by partial post Dec. l, l924 and ordered 1 pair overshoes No 26 4440 cashmere or cloth top size No 7 and telling them that the shoes they sent me were number and heavy No good. I asked them to send me a bill of the goods I ordered Nov. 23 so I could understand why they claimed1.27 due them. I sent them a statement that I sent them check for 10.62 which they could write the Bank of Monterey and have the same verified.

Page 115 Book 28 Brucker cow had a calf this morning Dec. 7, l924 male

Dec. 11 l924 Patients this page: Alfa Hoesel, Mrs. Whiting, Jo Keller, John Decker, Frank Hoesel.

Dec. 15, l924 Wrote R. A. Miller Pipe Line Co. Huntington, Ind.

Nov. 15, l924 I placed in the hands of Charley Keitzer my itemized claim for medical service rendered Harman Uhl from Sept. 6, l918 to Nov. 21, l924 $159.25 Paid me Jan 22, l925.

Nov. 20 I borrow of W E Kelsey $10, Ten for a few days. (sic)

Page 116 Book 28 Record of the weather December l914 (sic) from the 15th Real winter set in December l8 at Monterey, Ind. The cold wave started in the north west 5 days before it reached Monterey. In Montana it was 36 below zero. The wave went in a south eastern direction through Dacota, Missoula, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri at St. Louis the storm reported the greatest. It was colder in Kansas than in northern Indiana. On the 16 & 17 it rained all day a little Friday the 17th. 8o above zero cold all day. Sat morning 6 below zero cold all day and calm at no time in the day was the mercury up but little above zero. Sunday morning the 21st 4 below zero, clear and calm at 8 AM. (sic) (The rest of the page temperature in Monterey) Dec 27th At the post office 30 below.

Page 117 Page all weather. Jan. 7. 20 above calm & cloudy. Real old fashioned winter for since the10th of December. Kleckner making ice about 9 inches.

Page 118 Book 28 Settled with the pipe line for damages to ground and pasture and willow trees on south side of the Fish Pond levy and for priviledge of running over the premises when repairing the pipe $140.00 one hundred and forty dollars.

Settled with Sam Agnew for bill $27.50 for blacksmithing. My account against him was $683. Deducted from 27.50 -7.58 +$1992 Bal due Agnew paid by check. Dec.23 Hardware in full to date Paid Ed Ehner 10.45

Dec. 23 W.E.Kelsey money borrowed 10.00, Paid Odd Fellows for 6 months from 1st of Jan l925 3.00, West Hiland 8.00, Dec. 28 Check Bill Master for helping casto colts 2.00

Page 119 Book 28 I sent to auditor H---Winamac, Ind. my claim for medical service rendering family of Wes Hiland from April l924 to December 28, l924 $89.25

I sent an order to Sears & Roebuck Jan 12, l925 amounting to 3.93 Sledge 1.25, Button collar .25, caps .37, socks 4pair 2pair .20 each .40, 1 pair .65, 1pair .49

Page 120 Book 28 December l924 Presented my bill to A. R. Hoesel trustee and accepted. Medical service rendered family of Wes Hiland since March 30, l924 $89.25 Medical service for 9 months about 1/2 price.

Page 121 Book 28 Goldy cow had a calf Jan 6, at 4PM male calf. Patients this page: Alfa Hoesel, J. Brucker, each paid in full.

Jan 16 I wrote to E. J. Kelsey Marion, Kan. called his attention to the tax.

Jan 17 I got of Bert Kleckner about 4 oz of good whiskey for Jacob Brucker.

Page 122 Book 28 Jan.21, l925 I wrote a letter to Ira Wade of Logansport, Ind. stating to him that I could settle the claim I put in the hands of the National Adjustment Association for collection 2 years since or more. I sent the letter of the Association they wrote me to Ira Wade to show that the statement he made that he had paid $25.00 was a mistake. That he had paid me $25.00 2 or 3 years prior to my placing in the hands of the Association my claim for their collection. I wrote him that I could take the matter out of there hands and give him more time of partial payment were made. I stated that the claim was just that the interest was what made it seem high. I registered the letter so I may know he gets it. Jan 21st, l925 WmKelsey.

Page 123 Book 28 Almost total eclipse of sun Jan 24, l925 from 7:15 to 9:8 AM There was a total eclipse of the sun August 7, 1869 5PM

January 25 Samuel Berg was here to work for me by the month. Son in law of John Casper brother in law of Frank Menser who owes me $20.00 for two visits wife in consultation with Dr. Slonaker of Culver.

My bank book posted Jan 30, l925 Jan 28 Ballance due me $451.25 Jan. 30 Zechel Bros for hog 16.00.

Jacob Brucker casket & service 314.00

Page 124 Book 28 Bought of J. Wagner 10 bushel soy beans, Holybrook variety at 2.00 $20.00 pr bushel and paid him for same and left them at the elevator this day to get when I want them.

Obtained a loan from Dickenson Reed Indianapolis. Ab Freeman agent amounting to 3800.00 thirty eight hundred dollars for the purpose of paying the interest on the $1800 loan which would be due Aprile 1st, l925 The commission and expense of adjusting the loan and abstracting was $214.00 leaving a ballance of $1755.00 which I received a check for. Interest on new loan of 3800 is 51/2 pr ct. so stated by Freeman. There will be no interest to pay until Aprile 1st, l926 all is paid up to that time. The notes provides 8 pr ct after due if not paid. I have not received any evidence of the cancelation of the $1800 loan was the notes that falls due Apr 1st l925.

Ordered from Kilselman Bros. Feb 16, 1925 5 spools of gliden gal barbed 2 point 121/2 3.25 pr spool. Feb. 16 2 point cattle and sent a check to pay for same & 1 bag of sples 16.75


Page 125 Book 28 Feb. 6, 1925 I drove over to the Ranch 15 head of horses and colts and put them on the blue grass pasture which is fine near 50 acres. There is now 43 head of horses altogether feeding on the blue grass pasture that will be enough to carry them through without any other food if there is no extreme cold and much snow. This pasture is worth not less than $15 pr acre. There is near 50 acres all pretty good. There will be about 25 acres of stock pasture where Webb and I raised corn adjacent to the pasture. I am of the opinion that the horses will thrive and show good in 3 or 4 weeks if the weather is not cold or no snow of consequence. There is now on the Reister place 11 head of horses that looks well. I have not fed one ear of corn nor oats this winter so far and don't expect to if they continue to look good as they now are. Feb. 7 I salted them today all right and looking fine.

Page 126 Book 28 W.E. Kelsey sowed field next to Ranch, mamoth clover seed Bert Slonaker Feb 14, l925.

Page 126 all weather for Feb & March.

Feb 27, 1925 Below 2 almost clear clear l924 16o

Feb 28, l925 10 above cloudy & calm 33 in the afternoon snowed in the evening and night.

March 1st l925 6 AM 30 snow 2 inches deep very fine, fine morning, calm and clear l923 30o, l923 20o, l925 30o calm each lst. day of March.

Page 127 January 1925 Accounts. Alfa Hoesel, George Sellers, Peter Keller, Dr. H. Lowe, John Decker, Jacob Wagner, soy beans 10 bushel 20.00

Tax Kansas 90.89 Sept 9, Paid Chapman, Sept 9 Mongomery Ward 11.25

Page 128 Book 28

This agreement made the 1st day of April l924 between WmKelsey of the first part and Wesley Hiland party of the second part. The said Hiland agrees to work for said Kelsey 8 months at all the various kinds of work continuously to the very best of his ability for the sum of $35.00 pr month, 1 cow to milk, privilege of fire wood he to get the same out of the woods of dead trees and trees of no value otherwise than firewood. A garden and truck patch near where he lives. A house to live in privilege of raising 100 chickens. Said Kelsey agrees to pay $8 at the end of each 7 days if he said Hiland works the first 3 weeks and $11.00 the 4 week payments every Saturday night said Kelsey agrees to let the said Hiland use his horses for the purpose of farming his garden and truck patch and for the purpose of getting his wood. Said Kelsey agrees to pay Alanzo $4 at the end of each week provide he works well and give him a bonus or present at the expiration of the time he hired for which is one week prior to the publick schall (must have meant sale) comencing in September l924. Said Kelsey agree to repair the dwelling house where he now lives prior to cold weather and make the house reasonably comfortable. Said Hiland agrees to take good care of the stock and farm implements and all things that is under his control for care. Said Kelsey also agrees to make said Hiland a present of ten dollars in cash if he works faithful for the full period of 8 month which will be the 1st day of November l924.

Page 131 Book 28

I Charles Stephenson sold at our sale the 19th of December l923 sold to WmKelsey 60 acres of stock pasture on the Rowl farm for fifty dollars and agree to let said Kelsey pasture same up to the first of March l924. Said Kelsey shall have the privilege of turning his stock in not less than 20 days from this date December 20,1923. Signed Rowls & Stephenson

I wrote a letter to Stephenson Jan 17th l924 stating I wanted the stock pasture I bought right away that was not less than 25 or more damage every day that I could not use the pasture as contracted. Got no answer.

I wrote him again the 22nd notifying him that I was in need of the pasture and wanted it right away $2 or $3 pr day out of it. Please hurry up and make it ready and notify me. Jan. 22, l924

Jan 24 C.Stephenson see me this day and agreed to set post 40 rods so that 40 acres of the stocks can be pastured as soon as the wire fence is started up. Wes Hiland halled the post over the morning of the 25th of Jan l924. 71 posts. I waited 15 days for you to put in the posts but you did not put them in according to promise. I had Wes Hiland to put them in and put on 2 barbed wire st---- and turned the horses in the 9th day of February l924.

Page 135 Book 28 Article of agreement made and entered into this the l7th day of December l923 between Wm Kelsey party of the first part and Guy Miller party of the second part is as follows. The said Kelsey has rented to the said Miller the 40 acre tract of land in Monroe township section 8 owned by said Kelsey for corn, soybeans. 15 acres soy beans and 20 acres to good corn and soybeans on the season of l924.

Said Miller agrees to deliver 25th of each of the two products made to said Kelsey at Monterey prior to the first of December l924 in a merchantable condition except the corn to be delivered at Winamac. Said Miller agrees to fertilize the acres when he grows said products with not less than 200 lbs of mixed fertilizer prior to planting the crop. Said Miller agrees to repair the fence where involve without any expense to said Kelsey. Where --- we have sighned our names this 17th day of December l923. Wm Kelsey Guy Miller

Page 142 Book 28 Article of agreement made and entered into this the 22nd day of June l923 between WmKelsey party of the first part and Alvy Mitchel party of the 2nd part is as follows. The said Kelsey has rented to the said Mitchel 40 acres of land in section 8 NW1/4 of the SW 1/4 in Pulaski County, Ind. for the period of 3 years and three months from the 1st day of July l923, for three hundred and twenty five dollars payable in 2 payments each year $50.00 each payment . The end of the period would be Oct. 1st, l927. The said Mitchel agrees to not grow buckwheat or millet on said lands nor remove any fodder or other roughness off of said lands excepting hay during the period of time he is farming said acres of land.

Page 145 Sennet cow Nov 25 calve, Brucker cow Dec. 7 calve, Goldy Jersey 3rd. calve

Ab Freeman was here today and took my application for a loan of $3800 which includes the loan on the Shenk farm of 1800 that falls due Apr 1, l925 The interest is to be 51/2 pr ct commission 3 pr ct..

Page 146 Book 28 Assessment: Household 150.00, Implements 135.00, House 43 1100

Milk cows, other cattle 200.00, Horses 90.00, Wagons 20.00, Poultry 15.00

Page 147 Book 28 I ordered from Mongomery Ward the following articles Nov 23, l924

1 pair pants 3.49, 1 pair shoes 4.69, 1 pair overshoes 2.15, 1 box bots 9 cts. Parcial post .20 Total $10.62 Sent check Nov 23, l924. (sic)

I ordered from Sears & Roebuck goods Jan.12,1925 3.95

Feb 16, l925 I ordered from Kilselman Bros. 5 rolls of gavanize barbed wire 121/2 price delivered 3.25. pr roll and 1 bag of staples, 10 lbs 48 cts making 16.75 Sent check $16.75.

Page 148 Book 28 Property I own to be assessed spring of l923 as follows:

Horses & colts 38, cattle 11 head, 15 hogs none 360lbs., corn none, oats none, wheat none, rye none, potatoes none, poultry 11/2 doz, hay straw none, bugies old 2 10.00, wagon old 3 30.00, farm implement old 50.00, honey bee stands 3 5.00, harness old 15.00, household furniture 75.00.

Property to be assessed spring of l924. horses & colts 43, cattle 8 head, poultry 1 doz 5.00, pigs 360 lbs., wagon old 25.00, bugies 20.00, farm implement 75.00, harness old 20.00, household & furniture 100.00. No corn nor hay more than I need for feed to stock. No notes nor acts.

Page 149 Book 28 John Casper I was at your home today to see you in regard to the 40 acres of ground I have to rent to you to grow corn the season of l924. I did not find you at home. Now I stated to you when here to see me the contract must be in writing before any thing is done. I see that you have plowed a little where I had oats which I do not want plowed this fall as I wanted the pasture. I noticed that the depth is less than 5 inches in many places. NOW I DO NOT WANT.

Page 151 Book 28 Record of what I have put away of various things put chain for mower in a box in the pump house S East corner. The 12 ----grain & fertilizer drill put out to Reister place, 3 corn cultivators at the Reister place.

Page 152 Book 28 Record of farm implements at the Reister place.

2 disk drills $125.00

1 corn planter 30.00

3 corn cultivators

1 lime sower 25.00

1 hay rake 10.00

1 Deering mower 25.00

1 Deering riding plow 50.00

1 Deering gang plow 75.00

1 hay teder 25.00

1 binder 50.00

1 12 hose supreme drill 75.00

2 breaking plows 20.00

1 manure spreader 50.00

1 3 section harrow 25.00

Farm implements at lower barn

1 stalk cutter 60.00

1 disk clover seed sower 65.00

1 corn planter 35.00

2 2 horse corn plows 30.00

1 Deering mower 50.00

1 " 40.00

4 breaking plows 30.00

2 3 sec harrow 35.00

1 spring wagon 40.00

2 2 horse wagons & beds 50.00

2 bugies & carriage 65.00

1 hay rake 30.00

1 lime sower new 50.00

1 Deering gang plow 65.00